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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almost Went To Ronda

We were going to take a day trip to Ronda last Saturday but due to a hiccup in the ticket office of the bus station our plans were put on hold. Instead we stayed in Sevilla and visited the Alcazar (The Royal Palace) and explored the gardens. While in the gardens we ran in to a pack of ducks and several peacocks whom desired the sandwiches we were eating.

This weekend we are going to Cadiz for Carnaval which is a festival on the streets where every dresses up in costumes. Its kinda like a spring version of Halloween.

We were told it only rains 9 to 15 days a year in Sevilla but we have already experience rain close to 9 days already. Despite the poor weather there no complaints. Pretty soon the tempurature is going to sky rocket so I'm enjoying not sweating all day while I can.

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