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Sunday, January 31, 2010

All Is Well Across the Pond

Well, I’ve been here a little over a week now and more has happened in that time than I could possible type out. I would have posted more but it has been quite a battle getting internet at our house. We just got back from Cordoba yesterday. We were there for two days and a night and it just so happened that there was a Renaissance/Medieval festival going on which was the bee’s knees. We also visited the mosque which the city is famous for (very beautiful). When the city was taken over by the Christians they were so impressed by the structure that they decided to build their church with in the mosque rather than tear it down. Good decision.

I think we are finally getting used to the Spanish hours. No one really goes out here until one or two so we are usually the first ones at the bars and by the time we are leaving, people are still just beginning to get there (four or five).

The food has been excellent but many of us are having withdrawals from spicy food, which Spaniards don’t seem to believe in. I highly doubt that I have ever eaten more bread in my life. It is literally eaten at every meal.

I’m going to try to post more in the near future. I think we are going to Granada this weekend and Cadiz the weekend after for Carnival. Should be quite a time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Glad all is well. Are you going to post some pics somewhere?? G4
