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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Answers to 3 questions I was asked:

1) I wake up, go to class, come home to a freshly prepared lunch a 2, lay around the house till 5 or 6 (Siesta/Homework), after that we wander the town stopping at several places to have a drink, then we come home to dinner at 9, go out from 11ish to undetermined, come home, sleep, wake up, rinse and repeat.

2) I am taking Spanish Conversation (9:00 MW), Intermediate Spanish (10:30 MW), International Marketing (12:00 MW), and Spanish Civilization and Culture (1:30TTr).

3) At the current moment I would not describe myself as excelling at Spanish but once I start meeting with the Intercambios I feel improvement is inevitable. Intercambios are Spanish students who sign up to practice their English with English speaking students and in return help us learn Spanish.

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