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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Favorite Pictures from Granada

On Saturday evening, or "afternoon" as the Spaniards call it, we went up to a spot called the mirador by Iglesia de San Nicolas. At the mirador you have an awesome view overlooking the city and the Alhambra with the Sierra Nevada in the background. Apparently people of all walks of light gather here every night to hang out and in the summer watch the sunset.
This is the view left to right, and please remember, cameras don't do anything justice in this country.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Between Granada and Barcelona

We got back from Granada yesterday at 8:30 ish and it was awesome. Granada still prides them selves on the tradition of free tapas with every beverage (once throughout Spain at the orders of the King. On Saturday we visited the Alhambra which was a very humbling experience. I made my biggest mistake of the semester so far by leaving my camera in the hostel that day so I don't have many pictures from this weekend. All in all, of the two trips we have taken (Granada and Cordoba), I would have to say Granada is the grander of the two. We don't have class this Thursday or Monday due to a holiday so we are leaving for Barcelona Thursday morning and returning Tuesday morning. We plan to take two day trips from Barce to the Salvidor Dali museum and one to Montserrat. We also are going to try and attend the Barcelona v Malaga game but thats is not for certain.

As for now, that is all. Stay thirsty my friends.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Its Still Raining

Well, before this week it had already been unusually rainy but this week put the icing on the cake. It has been cold and rainy since Sunday but at least spirits are high. Last weekend was Carnaval which was a fairly unique experience. We got there at 10:30 pm and our buses left at 6:00 am. Essentially it was the world's largest costume party and as far as we could tell laws do not exist for duration of the festival (as long as you weren't fighting, they don't like that). Tomorrow a couple of us are going to Granada for the weekend which should be totally awesome on every level.

Trying my best to stay dry and happy.
The second part is pretty easy though.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Answers to 3 questions I was asked:

1) I wake up, go to class, come home to a freshly prepared lunch a 2, lay around the house till 5 or 6 (Siesta/Homework), after that we wander the town stopping at several places to have a drink, then we come home to dinner at 9, go out from 11ish to undetermined, come home, sleep, wake up, rinse and repeat.

2) I am taking Spanish Conversation (9:00 MW), Intermediate Spanish (10:30 MW), International Marketing (12:00 MW), and Spanish Civilization and Culture (1:30TTr).

3) At the current moment I would not describe myself as excelling at Spanish but once I start meeting with the Intercambios I feel improvement is inevitable. Intercambios are Spanish students who sign up to practice their English with English speaking students and in return help us learn Spanish.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almost Went To Ronda

We were going to take a day trip to Ronda last Saturday but due to a hiccup in the ticket office of the bus station our plans were put on hold. Instead we stayed in Sevilla and visited the Alcazar (The Royal Palace) and explored the gardens. While in the gardens we ran in to a pack of ducks and several peacocks whom desired the sandwiches we were eating.

This weekend we are going to Cadiz for Carnaval which is a festival on the streets where every dresses up in costumes. Its kinda like a spring version of Halloween.

We were told it only rains 9 to 15 days a year in Sevilla but we have already experience rain close to 9 days already. Despite the poor weather there no complaints. Pretty soon the tempurature is going to sky rocket so I'm enjoying not sweating all day while I can.